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Sightsee, swim, bike, ski, or hike at this Sierra Nevada alpine jewel
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Lake Tahoe's statistics top the charts: It’s North America's largest alpine lake and third deepest, 最低点是1,645英尺. The waters of this ancient, fault-formed basin are remarkably blue and 99.纯度994%. 你需要一天的大部分时间来 开车 its 72 miles of shoreline, so plan to stay a while. 与 南太浩湖 as home base, you'll enjoy easy access to outdoor adventures plus upscale urban comforts. 加入滑雪爱好者的行列, 山地自行车, 徒步旅行者, paddlers recreating by 湖 and on the slopes, then kick back at South Lake's enticing bistros and breweries.   

Read on for details on these and other things to do in 南太浩湖.


波光粼粼的海水 翡翠湾, punctuated by rugged Fannette Island, lie just a few miles north of town. Snap selfies from Inspiration Point, then hike the eye-candy 卢比孔河小道 沿着 翡翠湾州立公园美国针叶树覆盖的海岸线. 或者走一英里轻松的下坡 Vikingsholm, a stone-and-timber castle perched at the head of 翡翠湾 (Ed. note: Before making plans to visit Vikingsholm, check on its status at the 翡翠湾州立公园 website. 2024年1月关闭). Dip your toes in 湖 from its white sand beach, or tour the magnificent 38-room Viking-style mansion built by a Chicago widow in 1929 (summers only).

For a more challenging journey, hike west from 湖's edge into 64,000-acre 荒凉的荒野, a stunning glacier-sculpted landscape of towering firs, granite-bound湖泊, 还有鲜花盛开的草地. 花岗岩湖之旅, 维尔玛湖, 或者去迪克斯湖游泳, 或者吹到九点钟,735英尺的山顶 山Tallac for a jaw-dropping perspective on the Tahoe basin.   


In the winter months, carve up the slopes at 天堂滑雪场, a mega-mountain with Tahoe’s most skiable acreage (4,800英亩), 最高峰顶海拔(10,067英尺), 最长垂直落差为3,500英尺). When your quads beg for mercy, switch out your skis for snowshoes at 理查森营度假村 (可租用). Other popular snowshoe routes include 翡翠湾 to 梯级瀑布 or 鹰湖. Other pro最小值ent resorts near 南太浩湖 include Sierra-at-Tahoe柯克伍德山度假村. Sierra-at-Tahoe, 以家庭友好的氛围而闻名, offers a range of runs from beginner to advanced. It's particularly noted for its excellent tree skiing areas. 柯克伍德, 南部, is a haven for those seeking more challenging terrain, 以其深粉和先进的运行而闻名. 


South Lake's burgeoning craft beer scene will lure you back from outdoor adventures. 尝尝16瓶桶装啤酒 南湖酿酒公司高大的仓库. 加入啤酒花园的乐趣 机库, a playground of picnic tables, string lights, food trucks. Play cornhole, ping-pong, board games at 南北酿造. Pull your own pints while you hang by the patio fire pits at 太浩湖, or dip into house-made beer cheese and artisan brews at Sidellis.


南太浩湖 chefs cook up diverse menus that push way beyond ski-town fondue. 要享用美食, Edgewood餐厅, known for its sophisticated American cuisine and panoramic views of Lake Tahoe. Near 天上的's gondola, snag a table by the fire pits and dine on Thai curry tacos at 蓝色拉丁厨房; another casual spot is 大本营披萨公司., which offers a range of specialty pizzas in a relaxed, family-friendly environment. 头 品味阁楼 美国小吃和娱乐活动 魔术表演. 在滑雪道大道,亲密的 咖啡馆百花大教堂 提供完美的意大利经典, 阿耳特弥斯 offers Mediterranean mezze platters and zesty lamb gyros, 香格里拉喜马拉雅 delivers Nepalese chicken momo and lamb biryani. 喜欢外卖? 廉价 Empanash 烤美味的阿根廷肉馅卷饼 Yugen can send you home with nigiri and sashimi platters.  


The town offers a wide range of accommodations, 从豪华度假村到舒适的小木屋, 以适应不同的喜好和预算. 对于那些寻找高档住所的人来说, 登陆太浩度假村 & 水疗中心, known for its lakefront location and onsite fine dining at 吉米的餐厅. Travelers who are on more of a budget can find value at places like the 大本营南太浩湖 或者是 美国太浩湖. 这些地方提供舒适的房间, often with added perks like complimentary breakfast and outdoor recreational facilities. 在这两者之间, there are plenty of reliable independent and chain hotels that provide easy access to restaurants, 湖, 和度假村, 如 贝克特酒店万豪的木材小屋黑熊小屋玛格丽塔维尔度假村太浩湖. 为了更亲密的本地体验, 南太浩湖 boasts char最小值g bed-and-breakfasts like the 家庭旅馆 或者是 天谷小屋.

See another side of 湖 and explore neighboring 北太浩湖.  

走之前要知道: 作为减少垃圾的一部分, 南太浩湖 and 北太浩湖 have banned the sale of single-use water bottles at city-run and permitted events. So be sure to pack a reusable water bottle—you’ll be able to fill it up with the local high-quality tap water at free 注水站 在当地的商业和娱乐场所.

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